Sunday, February 21, 2021

Relief Society Bingo

 Relief Society Bingo

Just in time for the birthday of Relief Society!  A fun FREE Printable! A great game of Bingo to focus on the beginning of Relief Society.

This great game features the first Relief Society President Emma Smith and the current Relief Society President Jean Bingham. 

Grab a bag of M&Ms and have fun in-person or virtually!

A PDF of 16 pages of bingo cards and calling cards can be found HERE

10 additional bingo cards HERE

for those that just need a single bingo card to play along find it here HERE HERE and HERE

This game is mainly based on the first Relief Society Meeting. Other than Sister Bingham the other sisters were those at the first meeting. The Red Brick store is where the sisters first met. March 17th is the date of the first meeting. Female Relief Society of Nauvoo was the original name. Nauvoo was the location (I took this photo during a tornado warning because I didn't know better). It started as sisters wanted to work together to make clothes for those working to build the Nauvoo Temple. The Spirit of God is the hymn they sung at this first meeting. The other items are to add variety. In 1917 the Relief Society started their own magazine. We are 7 million sisters strong as of 2017.